
How To Celebrate A Christ-Centered Easter – Part 2

How To Celebrate A Christ-Centered Easter Part 2 Our 6 Ways to Ensure Our Traditions Don’t Cloud The Reason Easter has been one of my absolute favorite Christian holidays and it all started thanks to my beautiful childhood. I still vividly remember how my parents used to run around the garden trying to hide the Easter eggs before sending us out to go and search for them. We did this

WWE Mania Is Back In Full Swing

WWE Mania is back in FULL SWING  And we’re all for it! If you ask me a question about WWE, my answer would probably revert back to Ronda Rousey as that is about how far my knowledge pertaining WWE stretches, but A is trying to teach his clueless mama (slowly but surely). See, I never really understood the craze behind WWE and didn’t really get into it until Ronda Rousey

Introducing The A-Z Joke Books – The Perfect Book For Little Jokers and Future Comedians

Introducing The A-Z Joke Books – The Perfect Books For Little Jokers and Future Comedians A has always been our little joker – he loves being the center of attention, he loves to entertain, but most of all he loves to make people smile and laugh. A is always looking for opportunities to “prank” people just to shout “April fools!” (eventhough we are only in March) and can turn any

Top 10 Teacher Gifts

Top 10 Teacher Gifts From a Teacher’s Point Of View We are almost at the end of 2022 (can you believe it?!) and if you’re anything like me you are already planning year end and Christmas gifts. I love spoiling A’s teachers and do so at every opportunity I could get. I know how much work teachers put into each and every child. I can see it in the way my

A Safari Adventure With Wild Kids Books

A Safari Adventure With Wild Kids Books Reading is dreaming with open eyes! I have always been a little bookworm, ever since I can remember I was that weird child who always had my head buried into some book wherever I went – whilst walking around the school, driving in a car, eating at a restaurant and even on holiday. There just was no better place to escape to than

Dear Mama… From a Blogger Mama’s Heart

Dear Mama… From a Blogger Mama’s Heart A while ago I saw a post circulating on one of the motherhood FB groups. The post was from a tired mom who asked bloggers/influencer moms in particular how they keep everything so “perfect”. She asked them to share some tips and tricks, and my heart sank right there and then. The comments on that post basically tore bloggers and influencers apart and

Dear Child…Take Your Time

Dear Child…Take Your Time “Don’t compare your child to others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time.” I love to read, in fact reading was what inspired my writing and it really was what shaped me into who I am today. As a young girl I believed books could fix anything and that all the answers to the world’s most difficult questions


DELIGHTFUL TALES ABOUT DIFFICULT TOPICS Children are generally curious little beings. They love to explore and discover everything, but this nature of curiosity is usually accompanied by many many questions… especially the “but why‘s?“. Very often these questions can be unexpected and difficult to answer, or so I have experienced with A. I still remember the very first time the topic of race came up with A. He was sitting

I CAN Dream… I WILL Flourish

I CAN Dream… I WILL Flourish! Have you ever felt like you are slowly drowning under the pressure of life’s waves? Like the harder you swim and try to keep your head above the waters, the stronger the currents get, and it just keeps pulling you down, down, down. Eventually your arms are so tired you can no longer swim, but you are left with no choice, you struggle to

Healthier Living With Fry’s

Healthier Living With Fry’s January usually comes with a whole bunch of New Year’s resolution posts, but this is not one of them. I personally don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, but I do believe in making positive changes to our life that’s sustainable and setting reachable goals. One thing that has been weighing heavily on me is making healthier choices for my family, especially little A. Healthy living has


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