What we love about Learn with Oxford
I mean what’s not to love? But on a more serious note, here’s 5 things we love about Learn With Oxford:
1.Accessible on most devices
You can access the Library from your Smartphone, tablet, PC or laptop! Now there’s a reason for some extra screen time during the day.
2. Affordable
Unlike many other resources, the Learn with Oxford programme is extremely affordable and I love that it caters for everyone’s needs. From as little as R5 you can get tons of resources at your fingertips, maybe you just need to do a little extra exam prep – well you can subscribe for only that week or maybe you need a little more guidance and practice so you can subscribe for a whole month at only R49. It really is so so worth it!
3. No need for data
This is probably one of my favorite things about this tool – YOU DON’T NEED DATA OR WIFI TO READ THE CONTENT ONLINE! Phew! Bonus points right here! This makes it easy to access information anywhere at any time, you can even get in a little extra studying in the car on your way to your holiday destination. Wink,wink.
4. It’s user friendly
The library is so simple and easy to use – it really is made for everyone.
5. It is fun!
It makes learning and even homework fun! Where else can you get interactive videos, games, and fun worksheets specifically designed for your grade and school all in one place?