Introducing The A-Z Joke Books – The Perfect Book For Little Jokers and Future Comedians

Introducing The A-Z Joke Books - The Perfect Books For Little Jokers and Future Comedians

A has always been our little joker – he loves being the center of attention, he loves to entertain, but most of all he loves to make people smile and laugh. A is always looking for opportunities to “prank” people just to shout “April fools!” (eventhough we are only in March) and can turn any word or phrase into his own little joke, so you can just imagine his excitement when he was sent these cute little Joke Books packed with over 300 hilarious one-line jokes!

About the A-Z Joke Books

The A-Z Joke books are nifty little books about dinosaurs and animals respectively that is packed with 300 hilarious one line jokes that are bound to appeal to young children everywhere. The Jokes have been arranged from A to Z, so finding the perfect gag for every occasion is easy peasy.

What we love about the A-Z Joke books:

1.The Jokes – obviously!

I think everyone that A has come in contact with over the past 2 weeks have had to endure a joke or two – yes even if you were that stranger that he walked into at Pick n Pay or the child minder at Spur this past weekend. I love that the jokes are little one liners that can easily be remembered and enjoyed by even my 5 year old. Some of A’s favorites are: “What do you call a dinosaur that refuses to bath? A Stink-O-Saurus and Why don’t anteaters ever get sick? Because they are full of ant-ibodies.

2. Family friendly

I love that the jokes are kid-safe and family friendly. These cute little books are perfect for all kids between the ages of 6 and 10 (to be honest even I enjoyed the jokes) and include some golden oldies as well as brand new material.

3.The illlustrations

Although the books aren’t filled with large pictures, the illustrations and colors used within the books are really cute and fun and definitely gets the attention of kids. It definitely adds an excitement factor to the books. 

4. It’s an awesome family game night tool

A and I love to find new ways to make game night fun and what better way than a joke stand off. We each get a cup of water and we each start with 5 points. One person fills their mouth with water whilst the other one gets to tell 5 jokes from our Joke Books. Every time you spit out your water or laugh at any of the jokes told by the other person you lose a point and if you don’t laugh you get a point. The person with the most points at the end of the night wins. You can only imagine the chaos and laughter, but don’t take our word for it, try it yourself. 

All in all we really enjoyed these books and give them an 8/10 purely because A was still a little too young to fully enjoy ALL of the jokes, but that’s not a bad thing in itself since it just means he’ll be able to enjoy them for years to come! 

Life is better when you’re laughing and these A-Z Joke books will give you over 600 reasons to laugh and giggle with your littles.

You can get your copies on

Lots of Love

~ A and Mommy ~


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